Every type of roofing shingle has unique, strict regulations regarding how to install the roofing system. This can include things like the number of nails per shingle, length of the nail, shingle placement, and more. How roofers perform the roof installation is incredibly important because an improper roof installation will quickly cause leaks & roof failure.
Unfortunately, many roofing contractors will install every roofing system the same way.
They fail to adhere to manufacturer regulations.
As a result, this voids your manufacturer’s warranty. Not only that, it also significantly decreases the lifespan of your roof.

Pictured: An improperly installed roof with early shingle failure (before) & a newly, properly installed roof (after)
Many roofers today STILL install architectural shingles the same way they installed 3-tab strip shingles. This leads to quicker roof failure as the shingles are not properly secured to the roof.
Installing shingles in the winter when they may have been stored at improper temperatures or installing them when they are wet can also lead to curling.
At Artisan, our shingles are stored in a temperature-controlled facility up until the morning of the installation when our supplier delivers the materials. Our crews are also certified installers for the top three shingle brands: CertainTeed, Owen’s Corning, and GAF.
Want to learn more? Book a free roof inspection with one of our roofing experts today! Serving the NC Triangle.